Happiness is …

a clean home, all tidy after Christmas. Today was a big day for us. It was time to put away all the Christmas boxes. When we got up this morning, you could barely walk in either of these rooms; large boxes were blocking the way. There is always such a mess. The boxes have to originally be removed from our storage room (top left frame) so we can get to the Christmas tree. Many of them contain our decorations and after pulling everything out of them, I usually put them back in storage until after the holiday. Then we repeat the process. Every box is labeled so I can remember how to refill them so stuff will fit. Boy did it feel good to have the last one put back in place. Unfortunately, I think my stained glass dragonflies are hidden in one of them. I put them on my kitchen window so birdies don’t fly into it. But I cannot remember where I stored them when we put up the wreathes. I fed the birds and packed for our trip while hubby cut the plexiglass we bought to protect River’s new train table. Lauren has had COVID so we haven’t been able to take it to their home. When hubby offered to bring it over today, Lauren said she’s still testing positive and feeling rotten - poor girl. He’ll try again after we get home from TN. After our late lunch, I cleaned the kitchen and hubby vacuumed and then we were both ready to rest. Those boxes are heavy. Originally, we were going to shop for my mother today. She changed her mind on making ribs tonight so we’ll shop for her tomorrow when we pick up our meds. Hoping you feel as good about your day as we do. Be safe. Thanks for your visit. “The objective of cleaning is not just to clean, but to feel happiness living within that environment.” — Marie Kondo

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