
We spent a good part of the day on the road. Our microwave quit last night as we were heating dinner. It took seconds to realize how dependent we are on it. Hubby found a replacement and ordered it from Lowe’s. He put away our outside Christmas lights and our Nativity figures. I picked up the rest of the Christmas inside decorations except for snowmen that stay out until spring. Might be the only “snow” we see this year. Tomorrow will probably be tree time. We headed to Lowe’s this morning as soon as they notified us the new appliance was ready for pick up. We needed grocery staples: bread, bananas, yogurt, etc so the grocery store was our next stop. I noticed these geese beside a catchment pond along our route. We stopped by after shopping. There were at least 20 birds and they did not seem to mind being photographed. But there was an obvious lookout in the flock. After lunch, we started installing the new microwave. Of course, it is the new and improved model so nothing lines up the same on the mounting brackets. Hubby researched a bit while I picked up Brooklyn, took her home and went to wait at Chase’s bus stop for 45 minutes-easier than going back home. Hubby is still reading and measuring. Hopefully, Jamie or Parker are feeling well enough to help lift it in place. I am a weakling. It’s times like this when living close pays off. Hope your day was a bit less hectic. Thanks for dropping by. Stay safe and healthy. “If we have as much sense as geese, we too will stand by each other in difficult times as well as when we are strong.” - Milton Olson

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