
By Grammy

Family Time

Hubby was up and out of the door before I woke up. It was our parish breakfast Sunday. I stopped by the hall to get mine on the way to Brooklyn’s basketball game. My sister and BIL brought our mother to join us. Kristen, Chris and Chase were also there. And my kids’ first cousin came to lend his support. Hubby was able to join us during the game. I think my sister is blipping the fan club who loves watching Brooklyn play. Brooklyn’s team won; I think the score was 44-14. Brooklyn had a good offensive and defensive day. Kim and family already had post game plans. The rest of us met at the local pizzeria for lunch. Hubby and I offered to take Momma home. I stopped by Jamie’s house to give Parker a small table for his room. He’d been using my tv tray. My sister will help him paint it to match his bedroom furniture. The poor kid was in bed with a fever; sounds like he has the flu. Our Christmas gift finally arrived from Jamie and his family. It is a sturdy, compartmentalized “bug out bag” that is used to store emergency clothes, meds, blanket, etc in case you have to leave home quickly and unexpectedly. Living so close to a nuclear power plant, we are urged to be ready to evacuate on a moment’s notice. The small duffel we had before just wasn’t sufficient. Our dinner is cooked; we can just sit back and chill for the rest of the day. I got to visit with almost every family member today. What a wonderful Sunday we had. Hope yours was just as pleasant. Thanks for your visit. Stay safe. “Love your family. Spend time, be kind & serve one another. Make no room for regrets. Tomorrow is not promised & today is short.” — Unknown

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