
By Grammy


As forecast, it has been raining most of the day. The soil is saturated; our roads have standing water. Hopefully our water tables will benefit. We cleaned house. I made taco meat and spaghetti sauce to get ahead of the weekend meals. This cute black capped chickadee kept me company at the kitchen window. Kim said everyone was available to open their stocking gifts so we went over before Mass. I think they liked what they received. She sent us home with a nice pot of chili. Thanks for your kind comments on yesterday’s blip. I chose that activity to blip in hopes of sparking interest in others to do something likewise. It is such a small time slot for a few that can benefit many. Our assistant pastor was back to celebrate Mass tonight. His younger sister, who had special needs, passed unexpectedly two days before Christmas. He has been with his family in Connecticut ever since. I have included a photo of our church in its Christmas splendor. The decorations come down tomorrow. We enjoyed a quick dinner and now it’s Kindle and Blip journals time. Hope your weekend is going fine. Thanks for stopping by. "A little chickadee perched on the window-sill outside and bobbed his head sideways to look in, and then pecked."  - Sarah Orne Jewett

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