
By Grammy


We left home last night at 10:00 pm. In the utter darkness, we missed our turn but were only two minutes late for our turnover brief. It was a quiet night altogether; the only movement was an occasional guest using the bathrooms that were accessed through our area. We had 5 men and five women on cots in the main room behind the wall where hubby was sitting. Hubby previews books for a few writers. He received a new one yesterday; that’s how he spent his time. I read, played a few word games on my phone, reflected on my blessings and simply rested until our reliefs arrived at 3:30 am. The time seemed to go faster this year. The room was warmer than we had anticipated; they found a small space heater to take off the chill. My thermos of hot tea and hubby’s coffee helped us stay awake. It did not take either of us long to fall asleep once we got home. I woke up after 9:00 this morning. Hubby and I did a few household chores. We decided to grab a burger for a late lunch since we are both so tired of leftovers. I needed bread, yogurt, and produce so we stopped at the grocery store on the way home. It’s definitely nap time. We are at another weekend folks. Hope you have something fun planned. Brooklyn plays basketball this Sunday so my plans are set. Thanks for visiting. Glad you enjoyed the amaryllis collage. It is so much prettier in real life. “We have to humble ourselves and the way you do that is by serving other people.” – Tim Tebow

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