
By Grammy

Same Only Different

Hubby and I were both very productive today. He finished two woodworking projects, one of which is a new game he saw on line and built called “Penny Drop”. I think my kids’ families would enjoy it as well. He put the plow on his ATV. A storm is heading our way but we are only supposed to get substantial rain. I put away all the empty boxes we used at Christmas. Also completely finished my ironing and did some general housework. My second set of amaryllis blooms were so heavy they turned the plant pot over and the stem cracked. They are now in a vase with a much shorter eye level stem. I had never noticed how much sparkle iridescence is on the petals . Decided to photograph the bloom and show the shimmer close up. Here are four results with different lighting; not sure I was very successful. We have been monitoring the horrific school shooting today. The information is still very preliminary. So much tragedy! We will be taking a nap soon. This is our night to be WARM monitors from 10:30 pm until 3:00 am. That is probably the easiest shift. Hardest part is staying awake and maybe escorting a “guest” out for a smoke break. The coordinator called today to say they have only had between 10-13 folks take advantage of this service this week. Our temps will go down to 25°F (-3.9°C) tonight so we may have more folks seeking shelter. Our parish teamed with our local Catholic retreat center for this week’s WARM efforts. Hoping you are warm and safe tonight. Thanks for dropping by. “May this New Year add a burst of colors and fragrance into your life just like a new blooming flower!” - Alex Marit

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