Marsh Grasses

Our mother needed more clothes and a few other items so my sister, our hubbies and I went to Ridge first thing this morning. As I got out of the car, this calming marsh scene greeted me. Just had to capture it. Not knowing how long Momma will need to recuperate, we decided to clean her refrigerators of Christmas leftovers, tidy up the kitchen, change her bed linens, do laundry, etc. We had an overcast day with rain late afternoon so it was the perfect day for housework. Hubby and I stopped at a new restaurant for a late lunch to alleviate my headache. I promised my son and his family dinner since his wife was not feeling 100% and shopped for those ingredients plus stuff to make them a Keto friendly breakfast casserole. That will ease their morning routine. We took everything to Jamie’s at 6:00 pm. It felt so good to sit for a minute while hubby went to his Knights’ meeting. Tomorrow should be an easier day. Lauren called and I am not watching River; she rescheduled her appointment. Kristen and family got home safely. The plane ride was turbulent since we had storms all the way from south to north on the East coast. Hoping your day went well. Thanks for the visit. Stay safe and healthy. “Ye marshes, how candid and simple and nothing-withholding and free, Ye publish yourselves to the sky and offer yourselves to the sea.” - Sidney Lanier

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