Another Tribute
The storm was nasty but short lived last night. The wind howled and within minutes, the ground was covered in snow. Then it stopped. It was too cold for it to melt today. We had a few jobs on our to do list today so we got up and got busy. My first task was to iron my clothes, a few were summer outfits. While putting them away, I decided to fold up those clothes I can no longer wear. Most are dresses and suits I wore to work over 25 years ago. The suits and dresses are classic business attire that should still be serviceable. They are beautiful and well made but I will never be that small again. Five boxes later…. Lauren may want them for her on line business or for the thrift store. I finished putting my winter clothes in my master closet and carrying the summer items to the spare bedroom closet. My sister and BIL stopped by. I gave her the cute nutcracker tin I found yesterday. Hubby worked on several small jobs. Anticipating the snow/sleet storm for Monday, he made sure our generator is in good working order. It started on his first try. We are going to 5:00 Mass. We’ll grab a quick bite of leftovers and set the alarm for 9:30. We are due to relieve the WARM monitors at 10:30. Our shift will end at 3:00 am. Hubby will get another nap and head to church to help with the Knights’ monthly community breakfast. He can bring mine when he comes home. I plan to go to Brooklyn’s basketball game. This anchor is the 2024 White House Historical Association’s ornament. It was designed to honor President and Mrs. Carter. Since our country is mourning his passing, I thought I’d share it with you. There are so many meaningful parts to this ornament. Hope you can read the small print explanation. If someone designed an ornament to memorialize your life, how’d you expect it would look? A good reflection for your weekend. Wishing you a beautiful ornament idea. Stay safe. Thanks for your visit. “It is good to realize that if love and peace can prevail on earth, and if we can teach our children to honor nature's gifts, the joys and beauties of the outdoors will be here forever.” - Jimmy Carter
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