66 F/ 19 C

A cheerful start to 
my Tuesday - coffee with some
like-minded artists!


Arlene had invited me to join a subset of our artist association that meets on Tuesday mornings at the Sunshine Cafe just off the north frontage road. 

This family-owned coffee shop features a variety of coffees and breakfast items. It is small inside but has lots of outside spaces. This group circles some chairs on the fringe and settles in for a good chat. 

I was quite taken with the landscaping and painting all around. There were lovely vignettes with every turn. The waterfall in the centre allowed for peaceful background sounds. The wall surrounding the cafe was painted with big, bold flowers inside and out. Even the washrooms were interesting! 

I enjoyed the chatter in this group and appreciated being included. We circled our chairs in an outside patio area. I sat with my back to the sun and was soon warmed up. We talked art and shared our stories. The time just flew by.....

I'm in with my quilt project and making headway!

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