63 F/ 17 C

It was a very
colourful start to the first
day of the new year!


I woke about 7 but dawdled, not quite ready to launch into the kitchen to make coffee. Minutes later, I looked down the hall to see some fabulous colour creeping in around the blinds. I jumped up to peer out the windows at a glorious sky. I struggled into my Birkenstocks, grabbed my camera while throwing a denim shirt over my pajamas. I almost missed this! I leaned over my gate to catch what colour was left. 

I had to go outside to replace my hummingbird feeder with a new one. I looked over the fence to my neighbour's yard to see his tortoise doing laps in the carport. I caught Scout coming and going. (Scout)

I was surprised to see the lantana is blooming once again. It obviously enjoyed that drenching we got on Dec. 22nd. 

I'm staying home to engineer quilt fabric today. I might just remain in pajamas. 

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