0 C/32 F

These are the ugly
days of winter - patchy snow,
grey skies, muddy spots


I weakened about 3 AM and took some cough medicine so I would get some sleep. It took me to 7:30 when I could make my pot of coffee. 

I might see some sunshine if I wait long enough, but decided I would drive out to Tranquille to see how the herd was doing after that cold spell. I left the house at 11 AM. 

The herd was quiet and calm. I must guess they are well fed. 

I looked west to Tranquille Farm across the wetlands pond. It is still frozen but so much snow around it has disappeared.

I caught an eastbound freight on the tracks. It was pulling a very long line of tanker cars. Many had squealing wheels. 

I drove out to the farm and turned around in front of their gate. I got a shot of my mountains in the east. 

I'm back home and about to roll back into bed. More sleep is needed. 

We are to have a day of mixed sun and cloud with a high of 2 C. I may well miss most of it. 

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