Nathaniel is 10

For some reason daughter decided to put them all in the same chair for the cake. But here they are. James on the left is 9, Nathaniel 10, Thomas 11 and Ella 11 (but not for long!)

#2 daughter brought the boys over to Gosforth. She is so fed up as she’s had a rotten cold for weeks and is back to work on Thursday feeling she’s had no relaxation at all. #3 is being a good little sister and having the boys to stay the night. We offered to have them tomorrow after Val’s funeral but she said no. I think all the sorting out is too much bother when she’s not well. I hope the boys settle down ok - James can get over-excited and Nathaniel likes to chill. Thomas and Ella were practicing magic tricks when we left. They are good pals and bigger.

Ella was excited to show me her room as she’d put up her Taylor Swift posters. Her other Granny got her some Swiftie magazines - she’s good at buying her presents.

Nathaniel is now in proud possession of 3 Queen CDs, a pair of goalie gloves and a Newcastle away strip advertising some dubious Saudi business (it was bad enough when they had debt collectors and SportsDirect.). The children wondered what was wrong with Saudi money. I started on about women not being able to drive there but daughter reminded me they could now - thanks to the woman who protested and is still in jail.

Oh good grief it’s only 2 January - I must chill out and stop worrying about the world. And now Lebanon is in the sights of Israel again.

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