Golau croesawgar

Golau croesawgar ~ Welcoming light

“I have tried to express the idea that the café is a place where one can ruin oneself, go mad, or commit a crime.”
― Vincent Van Gogh

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Aethon ni i fyny i'r llyfrgell ar ben y pentref heddiw. Roedd rhaid Nor'dzin yn ddychwel ei llyfr llyfrgell hi. Yn anffodus mae'r llyfrgell yn cau ar ddydd Mercher - well rydyn ni'n gwybod nawr! Yn ffodus roedd y caffi ar agor.

Cefais fy nharo gan gynhesrwydd croesawgar y golau. Roedd y goleuadau siopau yn wyn, oer a busneslyd ond dwedodd y goleuadau caffi 'mae'r lle hwn yn gynnes a croesawgar'. Mwynheuon ni ein diodydd a chacen yno cyn seiclo adre.

Treulion ni'r noswaith yn trefnu rhestrau o bobl am gardiau Nadolig electronig. Maen nhw'n daclus nawr, a bydd y cardiau yn cael eu hanfon ddydd Gwener. Hwre.

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We went up to the library at the top of the village today. Nor'dzin had to return her library book. Unfortunately the library closes on Wednesdays - well we know now! Luckily the café was open.

I was struck by the welcoming warmth of the light. The shop lights were white, cold and businesslike but the café lights said 'this place is warm and welcoming'. We enjoyed our drinks and cake there before cycling home.

We spent the evening organizing lists of people for electronic Christmas cards. They are now tidy, and the cards will be sent on Friday. Hooray.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Goleuadau cynnes caffi
Description (English): The warm lights of a café

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