Un peth arwyddocaol y dydd
Un peth arwyddocaol y dydd ~ One significant thing a day
“Work steadily, modestly, sincerely—but not desperately. It is not that I have all the time in the world, it is that panic will ruin the remaining time.”
― Martha Gellhorn, (less than a year before her death)
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Mae bywyd yn brysur ac mae'r dyddiau'n fyr. Dydy e ddim amser i wneud popeth, felly penderfynais i i fod yn hapus os rydw i wedi gwneud un peth arwyddocaol y dydd. Mae'n bosib fy mod i'n gallu cwblhau mwy o bethau, ac os rydw i'n gallu, bydda i, ond un peth yn ddigon.
Heddiw es i i'r pentref i gasglu moddion calon Nor'dzin. Dyna ddigon. O, ac yn gwneud tipyn bach o siopa. Ac yn postio cardiau Nadolig. Dyna eithaf digon.
Rydw i wedi penderfynu dydy pethau beunyddiol - felly tynnu ffotograffau - yn cyfrif yn fy nghynllun, fel arall fyddwn i'n gwneud dim byd arall.
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Life is busy and the days are short. There is no time to do everything, so I decided to be happy if I have done one significant thing a day. It is possible that I can complete more things, and if I can, I will, but one thing is enough.
Today I went to the village to collect Nor'dzin's heart medicine. That's enough. Oh, and doing a bit of shopping. And post Christmas cards. That's quite enough.
I've decided that everyday things - so taking photographs - don't count in my plan, otherwise I'd do nothing else.
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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Coed ac eglwys (amlygiad dwbl)
Description (English): Trees and church (double exposure)
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