
By sharon143

Pottered around at home in the morning and drove to Mansfield and took lunch to have with dad. He is feeling a lot better than last time I saw him but I think he is starting to get a bit frail. He is nearly 95 though.
From there I went over to G and Cs - C came home on Monday evening. Things are a bit chaotic but they seem to be slowly getting sorted . Usual lack of communication though - both with them and between all the different agencies. The carers called whilst I was there - they were really nice. As usual there was lots of laundry in the utility room - most of it is probably clean but didn’t get folded and put away. I offered to do some and was a bit surprised to be given two big trugs full! That will teach me!
Left about 4.15, called into Ravenshead PO for stamps ( unsuccessful) and then Sherwood PO and co- op. Was making good time when we suddenly slowed down and stopped just as I was getting into the city centre. My usual route was closed off by the police and of course everywhere else was gridlocked - and it was rush hour! Finally got home at 7.15. Did the first load of laundry and collapsed on the sofa!

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