House Finch
Hubby marched in our Veteran’s Day parade this morning. As a 23 year Naval officer, he understands the sacrifices they all made. The roads are closed to vehicular traffic hours before it starts. He left quite early so he could park at the Knights’ building in town. Our parade is the largest in Maryland. He said there were loads of spectators lining the roadway. It warms my heart to know our county is still filled with patriotic and respectful folks. I used to March but my asthma and old knees cannot handle such a distance. Hubby says this will have to be his last year carrying a flag; it made him sad. As usual, I was still sleeping when he left. I mentioned not having a lot of energy yesterday. Now I know why. I got up and started emptying the dishwasher. There were many varieties of birds at the feeders. This male house finch was part of a pair out my kitchen window. I snapped my blip and was struck by a terrible pain. Headed to urgent care after a quick shower. As I thought, I have an internal infection. I had to wait hours to be seen but there was no other option since it is the weekend. When hubby came home, he picked up my antibiotics and I suspect I will be feeling better by tomorrow. I have been on the recliner under a heavy blanket to curb the chills all day, with Millie on my lap. Hubby stayed home from his second veteran’s salute to care for me. He left not long ago for our parish KofC Memorial Mass. He will read the names of all our deceased Knights. I will probably not feel up to attending Mass in the morning either but the Lord understands. You have been so generous with your hearts, stars and complimentary comments this week. Parker was humbled by yesterday’s response. Thank you. Have a fine weekend and please remember to thank a veteran. Glad you stopped by. Stay safe. “Honoring the sacrifices many have made for our country in the name of freedom and democracy is the very foundation of Veterans Day.” - Charles B. Rangel
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