A Wet Day In Italy

After Thursdays drenching, our walk leaders decided that today (Friday) would be a rest day and the planned walks would be cancelled. The main reason is the diabolical weather with 50mph winds and 100% chance of rain for most of the day according to all forecasts. Add into this mix the train drivers are on strike (remind you of anywhere?) so we could not get to the start of our walks or get a train back to our base at the end even if we wanted to! 

As I write this the rain is lashing down outside and the wind is howling around the bay. The shot above was taken this morning around the other side of the bay to our hotel during a lull in the storm when only the wind was blowing. Shortly after another biblical downpour unloaded on the town sending everyone scurrying for cover, and us to a second coffee shop. Hopefully, Saturday will be better though the forecast is not great. 

I also hope everyone in UK is safe as I read that it is being battered with similar storms. Take care all. 

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