
This was it clear .......

On opening the curtains there was absolute mayhem going on in the pond ...... a flock of Sparrows and some Starlings seemed to be having a competition to see who get get the most water splashing out. Unfortunately with all the rain we have had recently the windows are filthy and the pictures I took weren't brilliant - but I think they give an idea of what was going on.

I had a delivery to do this morning ........ 3 drop offs!
I arrived to collect the meals - and nobody there knew anything about it.
Luckily somebody arrived who did - although the made up bags stated there were more meals than the number on the e-mail. Not a problem though as it was more rather than less ordered.
Nobody there was happy that there was nobody from the delivery side of the business had turned up to oversee the meals going since the system changed 3 weeks ago.

After we had dropped the meals off we went to the office to try and track down the boss who signs off the expenses before the book-keeper pays them. I still haven't had my last payment despite handing the claim form in at the office. The 'book-keeper' said that he had sent the notification to the boss but he - and one of girls who I have known for years - took a duplicate of the form and fired off the boss again. So we shall see what happens.

After lunch the pea soup fog lifted and I went out and attacked some wood. Boy is Laburnum hard to hand saw!.
I made a lid to go on the top of the spalted box I gave a teaser to yesterday..... and a wee ornamental 'splash' dish.
They are Here along with the bathing birds.

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