The End Of The Line

Well, it is the last of the 'flowers' on the Cala.

The next door neighbour has finally had the section of fence replaced .... that must be about 5 years.
It is nice and secure, but it wasn't painted before it went up and there is no way it can be done from her side. The other couple of 'mistakes' are - the slats have been put up horizontally when every other one round the entire garden is vertical and the tops of the posts have been cut horizontally, level with the top of the fence, which means the weather is going to get into them and start the rot pretty quickly.

I have tried making two thin stemmed wooden 'goblets' today.
I managed to go too thin in the bowl of one of them and ended up with a stem - and a 'funnel'. Doh!
The other one ended up with a snapped stem as I finished the stem - but I have managed to glue it, so it is just about passable.

I also tried making a couple of balls. I need to practice that!.

SWMBO is being sent a new hot chocolate machine as the one she has doesn't seem to be heating up fully - on occasions - so there is sometimes a small lump or two of solid chocolate. No problem, but not what you expect from a fairly expensive bit of kit. However, the company are saying just to ditch it. I am sure NO1 will make use of it.

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