Retro Tour Normandy!

Four motorbikes and sidecars roared up to the hotel grounds this morning.
They were picking up two American couples for a Retro Tour. This was to the American Landing beaches and other points of interest.
The bikes were decked out like WW2 despatch riders would have been.
Quite a few of us who had just had breakfast went out to have a look and a chat. The rider nearer the camera used to be in the Gendarmerie and was quite a character!
The intrepid guests squeezed themselves into their individual side cars, and we all waved them off!
They returned at 4:30pm.
We actually spotted their bikes parked on the quayside of Port-en-Bessin, which we visited today and had our lunch in a pavement café whilst watching boats coming in and out of the harbour via the lock gates.
Always great watching the world go by.
It was 33C today.
PS thankyou so much for commenting and leaving hearts. I’ve not caught up with your blips, but do look at some of them.
Normal service will be resumed when we get back home, (which will be late on Friday evening).

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