Behind the shed.

We had the mother and father of a storm in the small hours of this morning. Stephen slept right through all the noise and the lightning!
I gave up and got up to make a drink.
Water had cascaded down from the sky in sheets, bouncing up off the road and flooding the gutter.
This morning everything has been washed clean, and our two waterbutts are filled to the very top!
More apples fell during the night.
Just now we are both sitting in the summerhouse about to have our sandwich lunch.
It’s breezy outside, and bright sunshine.
Our nuthatch is back again, and the goldfinches. So good to see them.
The garden robin flits about under the shrubs and in the flowerbeds.
He was perched on the birdbath earlier.
The two wood pigeons are rebuilding their nest in the Liquid Amber tree.
The Staff are back in the school opposite for their two training days, then the children arrive on Wednesday and our road will once again be clogged with cars.
Time for lunch.

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