Coo in da Seggies

A beautiful sunny and calm morning, equals midgies.  Thankfully a breeze picked up and cleared them, sadly taking clouds over.  Threats of rain tonight.

A morning around the house, washing out and chores to do.  Walkies around Scalloway with Sammy, plenty of tourists about, and people wanting to yap.  Mam came by for lunch.  Headed down to Laura's in the afternoon.  I've been in the garden this evening, mostly cutting the grass and weeding.  Getting dark after 9pm now, jigsaw dragged out the cupboard. 

While down at Laura's, we did get out for a decent walk with the dogs, but mostly were distracted by a jigsaw she started last week.  A few cups of tea later, I finally dragged myself away and headed home, hence me getting a jigsaw out tonight.  On my way home, everything was a potential new jigsaw design, including this cow in the seggies (Iris).  Taken at North Voxter, Cunningsburgh.  

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