So Much Purple

A beautiful sunny morning, with a fairly cloudy afternoon and evening.  Lovely and warm all day, about 20⁰c plus.  Not sure what's better, a day of gales with no midgies, or a lovely calm day, warm and a million midgies everywhere you go! The midgies have been the worst I've seen in years. 

Up early for a Sunday, got two loads of washing out.  Soon headed out walkies with Sammy, popped by Madeline's for a cuppa.  Met friend Julie for walkies in the afternoon.  Robert, Shannon and Freya were in Scalloway this evening, met up with them for a walk, we were eaten alive by midgies.  Big Brian and Madeline popped by for a cuppa, now feet up. 

A midgie free walk this afternoon, and beautiful scenery.  Our aim was for a remote croft house off the beaten track, but we weren't the only ones with the same idea.  Turned out too steep for Sammy, and with the warm day, we decided not to exhaust the dogs.  The hills all over Shetland are amazing just now, so many beautiful shades of purple in the heather.  A wonderful display on Gruna Vird, Mangaster, Northmavine.  

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