A bit bored.

Oh how Riley wanted to be outside. Just because it was raining, and just because she had a bath last night, and just because she dug a huge hole in the yard... shouldn't mean that she should have to stay in for a while should it? According to Riley the answer is unequivocally NO.

The sad face got to me eventually... I'm such a push-over.

None of the above usually phases me. *Though, the hole digging is rare... chipmunk chasing I think...* I'm just under the weather today and didn't really have the energy for dirty or wet dogs. Fortunately for me (and the dogs) my husband took them for a nice (wet) walk when he got home. Everyone is happy now. We are all tucked in, dry and ready for a cozy evening.

Hopefully tomorrow will be a drier day. :)

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