I had a TINY day.

Well, at least the part with my camera. Everything I found to photograph was itty bitty.

Start out in large for a closer look, but try to bear with me as I describe how small my finds were today: In this image, the flower is a round ball of a chive flower measuring only 3/4 of an inch in diameter. Of course, you only see about a forth of the flower, so you can image how small this Augochlora Sweet Bee is... somewhere around a 1/4 of an inch. Following it with a macro lens is, well, interesting to say the least... I kept loosing it as it moved around! It was enough to make me dizzy. ;)

Then I spotted a Ant-mimic Jumper Spider. At a 1/16 of an inch long... even the biggest arachnophob would find it hard to be bothered by this tiny spider. She was hanging out on the stem of a poppy and in this photo, keep in mind that you only see half of the stem's width and it measured 1/8 of an inch wide! She was very hard to focus on, but I liked how the sun had her glowing... and I took it on as a challenge. :)

The painted damselfly isn't tiny by damselfly standards, but relatively small in my book, so I'll count it. Either way, it's a pretty one... And one of the few that didn't have a 'date' today. Oh my, I felt like I should avert my eyes just about everywhere I went. ;) If today's activity was any indication, we should have a large Damselfly and Dragonfly population soon. (Which would be great to counter balance the enormous mosquito population!)

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