
Wipers swish, Mum says,
"It's quite wet for a long walk."
Leo remains keen.

We misjudged the weather this afternoon, I didn't think it was supposed to rain, it had been quite nice but literally as we left the house it started to rain.  We preserved, undeterred and parked up under the motorway bridge (see photo), listening to the rain and Leo whimpering, telling us we've arrived and he's ready to go!  So, coats on, zips and hoods Up.  It actually dried off relatively quickly but Leo still got all wet and muddy which necessitated a bath on our return.  
Other than that it's been a quiet day.  Slow start, tried to take Ben and Leo for a trip to the shops but Ben decided his thumb was hurting where he'd used some unauthorised and unsupervised nail clippers last week.  He was too whingey to carry on so I aborted and retraced our steps.  Mr KCNQ2Haiku had finished on his bike so he took Ben for a walk separately and I took Leo to the local shop for bread.  I always think these little walks will be boring for him but actually he loves the sniffs.  It's all lamp posts and grass verges and driveways.. Dog Smell Heaven :-/  
We had lunch afterwards and I had some time to finish my book which felt very relaxing and then it was the wet walk in the woods.  Afterwards, it was Leo's bath and some hoovering and mopping, emptying washing machine, making tea etc.  I tried to play a game of Operation with Ben but he got frustrated that his fine motor skills were not up to it and decided to bounce on the trampoline instead.  So here I am blipping!

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