Baking and haircuts
Standard Saturday.
Hunt blackberries, bake cookies
Attempted haircut.
Well and truly back in the routine today. Saturday morning usually starts with a walk into town to fetch bits and bobs, allowing for Ben to have treat in Caffè Nero. I usually slope off for a rest after lunch whilst Ben does crosswords with Mr KCNQ2Haiku and then we prepare meals or bake cookies that we can take on various walks we like. Ben has to be careful with his sugar intake due to his diabetes. He can technically eat everything as long as he takes insulin with it but in reality it’s never that simple. Fatty, sugary things always spike his blood sugars and then it can be a pain to get it down again. This is why we usually coordinate treats with exercise as it seems to help his body to process the sugar. Anyway, today’s photo is from baking Oaty Cookies. It’s a favourite recipe so Ben knows the drill. Sometimes it’s hard not to jump in and make the cookies more evenly spread or better spaced out.. today I was remarkably chill and let him get on with it. There’s so much he finds hard, so it’s great when he feels confident and successful in what he’s doing. I tried to cut his hair after this. You can see from the photo why :-/ It did not go well. He wasn’t in the mood to cooperate, even with the promise of a cookie once it was done. I managed to distract him with collecting some blackberries in the garden (yes, that’s how overgrown the garden is!) and after that he did sit long enough for me to go all the way around his head, once. So he’s looking a bit rough and ready, this explains why he always has the 70’s bowl cut look! I just couldn’t trust him in a barbers, so we make the best of it! The silver lining is that the blackberries mixed with apples made a lovely sort of fruit stew that we had with ice cream at tea time :-D
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