Undisturbed Heron on the Riverbank

Leo and heron.
"What good sport," he thought.. "A shame
I am on this lead..."

Ben had his PA hours between 9 and 12 today, so it felt short!  I took the dog for a quick walk, he harassed a dog called Coco which was a bit embarrassing, then I had a catch up with Ben's psychiatrist at 10am which took an hour, she had asked me for some paperwork so I spent half an hour trying to find old reports and scan them in before Ben returned.  He was a bit angsty, he had had a cooked breakfast at Morrisons and a Pepsi max but he wanted more Diet Coke and crisps when he walked in the door.  It's hard to balance the 'pick your battles' element of life with Ben whilst also encouraging solid, healthy choices.  I stood firm on the no food or fizzy drinks but I did cave on him going for his favourite walk in the woods.  I try not to do it these days without Mr KCNQ2Haiku as back up, as Ben gets cross with Leo for normal dog behaviour and it sometimes escalates but I decided it would get him out to work off that cooked breakfast!  We went to Sainsburys first for 4 quick things, which was a mixed bag as he got cross with the parking machine and started hitting and kicking it.  Not ideal.  In fairness the parking machines are really annoying, Ben just couldn't handle the clunkiness and malfunctions.  I was pretty fried by the time we got in the shop.  Survived though and the walk was OK enough.  Yesterday we saw 2 herons, Leo was off lead and he had an attempt at chasing one but today he was on the lead and he looked quite disappointed with how little he could annoy it.  I felt the opposite!  I do think Herons are lovely.  It's a rubbish picture but it's the bit of the day I wanted to remember!

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