
Over to Bags' - take her and SIL to the station (they are in Edinburgh seeing shows, eating and drinking to celebrate their wedding anniversary).
Check the tyre pressures (one looked slightly soft).
Work out why the tyre pump/pressure reader stopped working (blown fuse).
Home to try and remove the suspect fuse. (Fail)
Phone the car dealer to see what the trick is to remove the fuse (long nosed pliers and brute force).
Get the fuse out ....... not the fuse!
Find the culprit (fuse in an accessory socket in the boot).
Collect Squirrel and go to track down a new fuse. (No longer made with the same rating .... but a close rating  -- which worked).
Home to collect the vital ingredients to go inside the sandwiches for lunch. (it was dry when I left, within 400yrds the road had vanished and the wipers couldn't cope with the rain. 800yrds later .... nothing and the road was dry).
Got home .... no keys!
Back to Bags', collect the keys and home again.
Take the pictures of the storm clouds (5 dramatic shots there)
Return to Bag's with the food .... 
Mid afternoon it was up to the shop to get milk.
Evening meal done for us and the monsters ... not enough pre made bolognaise sauce for 4 (garlic bread supplemented).
Phone call from Bags to say tickets for another show have been obtained so they will be later home than expected.

I wait with baited breath to see if they manage to get the train home or if I am going to have to drive into Edinburgh to get them.

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