Not The Wormy One

I mentioned the other day I was challenging myself with a piece of very spongey, worm chewed, spalted wood. 
Well, it is Here.
Isn't it hideous!
The Yew bowl is much nicer.

We were due to have the hot water boiler serviced today - between 10am and 2pm.
At 4pm SWMBO phoned to find out why the engineer had not been.
She was told that the contractors were saying we were not on the list.
Well how were we given a time slot? .... that had to come from the contractors.
However .... now we are on the list for Monday ..... between 12 and 6pm!!!!!
Watch This Space!

We had to look after the monsters for a couple of hours this evening while the parents went out for a game of bowling with a couple of Bags' work mates.
First thing I had to do was go and collect Squirrel from her martial arts. There were some nice clouds while I was sitting waiting for her - not that the cat noticed. There were even nicer clouds after we got home (2 more shots after the cat shot).

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