Ruta Gets Her Quilt

Thanks to the joys of modern travel, i.e delayed flight and a three hour wait for their rental car, Neville, Ruta and the girls didn't arrive in Santa Rosa until 1am. Needless to say, they went straight to Dana and Jim's, and we didn't see them until they got their bearings and came here. Gifts were exchanged, subjects were brought up, changed and will need to be revisited. We figured out that it had been a year and a half since they came before and I promised to make them a quilt but that they had to come get it. In the meantime, they moved house, remodeled it, Ruta started a restaurant, and Mira started college.

It  was Lola's  birthday and because she whipped out an excellent drawing of Spike last time they were here, we gave her a sketchbook and a set of graphite drawing pencils. While we opened gifts, chatted and took pictures, she whipped out another detailed drawing of the scene. Mira gave us a folder of anatomical drawings that she had done, also very expertly. One of the unfinished conversations was to find out what she is studying in college and hope it includes anatomy.

They will be back on Tuesday. As long as nothing untoward happens (and there are no guarantees) we will cook dinner together as in the old  days, figure out the rest of the week, finish as many of the unfinished conversations as we can remember and start a lot of new ones. They They are an ebullient and delightful group.

I have no idea how I did it, but I seem to have fixed my extras problems, plus a couple of others that came up. I felt that they all had to do with Safari and I spent a long time fiddling with various things until something worked! I have put a picture of Neville and the girls in extras. Mira is on the left and Lola is on the right.

My second extra is a picture of Will and Chloe having a laugh last night because Blake was determined to be a lap dog, while Spike tried to decide if he would fit too....

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