A Win-Win Summer Camp

Got up early so we could get to 8:00 am Mass on time. I’d forgotten that was the Mass the summer camp counselors and volunteer assistants attend daily. Our parish summer camp offers a wide variety of programs: arts and crafts, sports, science/engineering, culinary arts, life skills, etc. all centered around faith. They use our school and church hall classrooms, cafeteria, library as well as the outside areas of the campus. The camp counselors’ day extends beyond camp hours and includes meditation, spiritual talks, mission fund raisers, community meals, plus loads of fun times. These are paid positions and benefits usually include a European/Canadian/etc pilgrimage and off site retreat. Our camp has become the model for others in our region. Our grandchildren have participated as both camper and camp assistant. The third frame shows only a few of the camp participants as they started arriving for the day. After Mass, we did a bit of housework, hubby troubleshot a problem with his hauling trailer (but doesn’t own tools required to fix it). We went to the base to pick up meds, collected my free birthday sandwich from Mission BBQ along with sides and a drink and Hubby’s lunch. We shopped for grocery basics next. Hubby is heading to pick up Mackenzie from her dog sitting job and take her home. It’s 90°F (32°+ C) outside so I think we’ll chill the rest of the day. Try to stay in out of the extreme heat/cold. Thanks for dropping by. Stay safe. “Summer camp is about GROWTH and ACCOMPLISHMENT. It is the counselors’ job to help those things happen NOT to just keep the kids busy.” - Unknown

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