The Long Goodbye

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

My dad's funeral is at Thursday lunchtime in the UK, so around midnight Friday here. I've got the YouTube link, I've written my eulogy and I've spent the day working on a PowerPoint presentation.

My sister asked me to do it. She said it was a lot of work but I was happy to do it. Besides, I think she gave it to me to do so I could be sort-of involved from over here. 

There WERE a lot of photos though. It was very amusing to me how many of them featured dad eating things. Every time I'd scroll down the photo, he'd be smiling at me then I'd scroll further and he would invariably be holding cake. Unless he was holding a sausage roll. 

They are really nice pictures. In every one of them he looks so happy. What a great life. He is such a happy man. And in a lot of them if he's not looking happy then he's making an absolute tit of himself. In one of them he's dressed as a giant hamburger. And he's delighted about it. 

I don't feel bad about missing the funeral. It's a huge Catholic thing. They've extended the service for him so it's going to be a LOT of Jesus. Annoyingly they've EDITED my eulogy. It's not that it was too long - apparently it was too racy and it was felt it might upset the parishioners to know my dad liked women. Which begs the question - did they even know him? 

My dad liked women even more than he liked cake. And he liked cake a LOT.

But I don't mind really. I'm not in the least grumpy about it. The funeral is not for me, it's for everyone else. I don't need to say goodbye again.

I'd give everything I have for one last "hello" though.


p.s. Here's a selfie Caro took in 2017 with all of us squeezed into Tups's car.  There are more pictures in the extras. 

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