Awf And On Again

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

I had a nice day today. I feel like I did useful things and was useful. 

But most of all Fazzy and Briar. 

It's funny. Back on the CST project they didn't really work together too much. But now they are turning into the best of pals. It's fun to hang out with them both together. 

I had only the briefest of chats with Fazzy. She was in meetings all day, but she asked about my dad and - despite the sad situation - made me laugh and was just lovely. 

Briar, meanwhile, took me for lunch! We talked about Kiwi colloquialisms and I explained how Kiwis use a lot of the same words as people in the UK, but in a different context. 

For example, I explained how in Aotearoa people agree with you by saying, "Same!" or "Neither!" Like if I were to say, "I hate avocado*" Briar could say, "Same!" 

Or if were to say "I can't stand avocado**" Briar might say, "Neither!"

Briar found this very odd.

But at the end of the day I told Briar and Fazzy that I had found a meeting room that wasn't working. "Let's do CST stuff!" I suggested. "It will be like old times!"

So we trooped up to the room and I recorded the conversation. It went like this. 

ME: So we're recording this for Jeff. Hi Jeff!
BRIAR AND FAZZY: (Miserably) Hiiiii Jefffffff
ME: Gosh. I thought you'd love to speak to Jeff.
FAZZY: (Very sarcastically) HIIIIII JEFFFFFF!!!!!
ME: So the display isn't waking up when Fazzy presses "off" and "on".
FAZZY: (In her accent) AWF and ON again.
ME: I wonder if it's a problem with the remote.
BRIAR: Try throwing it at the screen.
ME: So Jeff, could you check this out for us?
BRIAR: Also refill the sweets in the sweet jar because they're empty.
ME: Good point there, Briar.

The three of us had a lot of fun recording all of this for Jeff. And then it was time to go home. 

"I really enjoyed that," I told the pair of them. 

"SAME!" said Briar. And then she laughed hysterically. 

Weirdoes. The pair of them.


* Don't panic. I love avocado. Unlike Briar who refers to it as "green toxic waste".
** Seriously. This was just an example.

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