Where Horrors Of The Past Still Linger

On This Day In History
1941: Germans capture Lviv and slaughter ensues

Quote Of The Day
"The Aryan population witnessed this action with pain, even if in the relationship to Jews a strong aversion had developed after the Bolshevik invasion. Nevertheless, when their own eyes saw what was done to Jews, it made a pitiable impression on them."
(Internal report of the AK-KOL in Lviv, Autumn 1942)

When people take pity on those they regard as vermin, you know that unspeakable horror is being perpetrated.

"We are embers in the flame
We are whispers in God's name
We are the heat that burns your skin
We're the cold that lets pain in
We're the wind that blinds your eyes
We're the shame that haunts your lies
We're the nightmare when you sleep
We're the shame that all men keep."

This Edo period house from the 18th century was destroyed in the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake of 1995 but was recently reconstructed.

Nothing dies.

Ghost Nation

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