Moon over Cynfal

After a grey day with much rain around lunchtime, the sun made a timely appearance for an evening walk.   Meg and I headed for Rhydyronen and walked alongside the line to Cynfal, returning via the lanes.   The sky above Cynfal farm was dramatic.  Along the lanes the Honeysuckle is in full flower and looked good against the blue sky - extra pic which was almost the main.

A morning at pottery.  Yesterday's glazing jobs completed and a new creation begun.  Two bowls, formed in the same mould (an old plastic Christmas pudding container) were joined to make a sphere.  Brought home, this now has a hole at the top and a pattern carved into the surface.  A posy vase I think, once it's glazed.

Otherwise a quiet day at home.  A little admin and a little snooze.

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