
By TonyG

Beautiful Damoiselle

After a poor night's sleep - too hot in the hotel room, no aircon - I was up and out early to nearby Farnham and dropped Ruth's TriRide off for a service which gave me a couple of hours to kill.  My default idea is usually to find a local nature reserve to explore, which also gives Meg a walk.   Tice Meadows was today's stop, hoping for butterflies but apart from one Comma, two Red Admirals and the odd Meadow Brown, they were notable by their absence.  Quite a few damselflies though and this one posed nicely withing a few minutes of our arrival :-)    Nice place to explore, even if Meg planted herself at the sound of a strimmer.  I picked her up and carried her!   Once past the man and his machine she was fine and enjoyed her walk too.

The less said about driving from Farnham to Norwich on a Friday afternoon the better!   Despite almost the entire journey being motorway or dual carriageway, I averaged about 27 miles an hour.   Thankfully there was no time pressure so it was just rather tedious.

Now settled with very good and longstanding alpine gardening friends  just outside Norwich.   Apart from giving a talk in Hethersett on Saturday afternoon it’s a little holiday. Lovely :-)

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