A wall of scent

I watered my neighbour’s garden whilst she was in Italy. It’s always a bit of a tangle, overgrown but mysterious and shady.  As I came round this corner I was hit by a wall of scent from the Philadelphus. Intoxicating, something you truly experience the full power of only once as it fades, fleeting and ephemeral.  

I spent the afternoon with my mother sorting out some of my father’s clothes from the spare room so a carer can move in.  The clothes were still just there, many from that cupboard were stored from his younger days when he was a big man so I am hoping to find homes for a few big tweed suits but all the grandchildren are smaller than him. 

We went to the Living Room cinema in the evening to see Asteroid City, the new Wes Anderson film which i found beguiling then deeply irritating.  I slept through act 2 (he numbers his acts).  The evening was meant to start with pizza at a rather good pizza restaurant but it never arrived so we had to leave.

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