Mindful Crafts

I woke a bit later today, and Jon brought me a cup of tea at 8. Then I went and had a shower in the block used by all the horsey people. They are well used and not cleaned enough. But it was quick as it was raining and I had no plans to wash my hair.

It rained until about 11.30. I did have a wander around the show and spent more money. That is the main problem with having freedom to roam. When I got back I got my laptop out and did a bit more thinking about my story. Prepared some lunch for Jon and I and after that went to chat to the ladies in the tent where last year they had been making felt from sheep fleece. This year, their mindful craft was making dye from natural sources which they then dyed old sheets with. The dark one, bottom right, was made yesterday and unravelled when I was with them. Lots of bark and leaves which have been presoaked in rusty water, plus some other natural dye - madder and turmeric. Then rolled and tied up, then steamed. I may have missed some of the stages but it was fascinating to see it when unrolled. Some distinct leaf shapes, and a mix of colours. They had some pieces they had cut up, and we sat around the table just doing random relaxed sewing on the scraps. A camera crew came tound and interviewed Rose, and filmed what they had created. I see another hobby coming on...well perhaps I'll just have a go with some of my old white sheets!

Jon has been extremely busy on the canoes all day. A slow start in the rain, but it picked up. He had two boats of young men capsize - might they have been the same, probably drunk (young farmers?) who took themselves out in the night, and capsized, leaving the canoe full of water part way out!! Tonight Jon has tied the boats up.

We have just been for a wander round the show as much was closing or already closed. Now the rain has started again. Dinner is on. More venison stew..

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