A new hobby?

Today I spent a couple of hours this morning walking round the show. They opened the gates at 7am - and visitors were already queuing before then, but I was up at 6.30. We had breakfast, and the men put up a shelter, using their pioneering skills. I decided that was a good time to go off exploring myself. I was out for several hours, made a couple of purchases - coffee from Belfast, and some washing 'sheets' that go in the bottom of the drum before you put in your washing. I'm trying to be more environmentally friendly, and this will reduce my plastic use. There was an offer on, so I bought 2 boxes for £10. I thought it was worth a try.

I went into the artisan food and drink hall. It was mostly gin and fudge. I bought neither! There were some other things - the coffee man from Belfast being one. Then I wandered along by the sheep and cattle and stopped to chat to this lady. She was spinning wool on a proper spinning wheel (a New Zealand one) and her display had little identical patterned squares she had knitted from the wool from lots of different breeds of sheep - all spun by herself. She also had a hand spinner and let me have a go! Now I want to spin wool!! I remember last year speaking to a girl who made felt from wool, who told me how much wool goes to waste because there is no market for it. It seems criminal to me. I haven't seen the felters yet, but will go tomorrow. I remember last year thinking 'I must find someone who has sheep and spare fleece to felt' and now I'm thinking the same again, but I want to spin!! When I get back, I'm going to be looking online!

The rest of the day I spent making tea for the men, a bit of canoe supervising, and just chilling. It has been a very warm day again, but I think that's due to change. The Bushcraft stand was popular for the canoes which Jon manned all day. Jamie did flint knapping and Dave was doing things to deer hides that was smelly.

We cooked a venison stew over the fire for dinner, I've washed up and now have a glass (plastic) of wine by the fire to finish the evening.

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