
By pensionspoet

Royal Highland Show - day 4

A hot day! We really have been so lucky with the weather. So up at just after 7. Jon had already got dressed and packed away his bag, sleeping bag and bed. My side of the tent did look like I’d had a party with all my belongings! But I managed to get (most of) them into my big bag. Then started on breakfast. More blueberry pancakes with bacon.

Punters were eagerly queuing for canoes early, Jon had a busy morning. Since they had kept a log of the numbers, the expectation was to hit 1000 people and they exceeded it by about 80. A total over the 4 days, and we were told canoes were the talk of the show. So the camera crew from RHS television wanted to film an interview with the 3 top bods on the water. Suits and all! It took an hour out of the afternoon but was a bit of excitement on the water! Jon had to hold a rope to stop the canoe moving. Two of the men were competent and paddled up and down. The two in the other canoe were much less so, and tentatively made their way across the water slowly to the platform at the far end where the interview was to take place. None of our team were included, but it was still exciting.

I went for a walk after lunch to the craft marquee, right on the far side of the site. A worthwhile trip as I was offered a free ice cream as I walked past rows of tractors.

Then at 6 o’clock we started to pack up. It took until 8 to completely take everything apart and pack it back in to the two cars and trailer. We had a canoe on our car to drop back at Dave’s before heading south.

So we left East Linton at 9 and stopped for some sandwiches then we’re on the A1 south. I’ve done 2 hours - a detour through the centre of Newcastle! I’m glad it was midnight. Jon managed a bit of a snooze. Then we swapped and Jon is now driving. Sat nav says we will be home by 5. I’m going to try and have a sleep now.

It’s been a great week. Tiring, but packed with loads of good things. We will be back for the show in 2025 if we are needed, but will definitely be back to Scotland before then.

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