Mixed sunny day

I decided I wasn't going to wander round the show today, to protect my dwindling bank balance, as I only got paid 5 days ago! But I did go and watch some of the donkey judging. I didn't realise there are so many different types of donkey. Then I wandered up to the sheep and bought some strawberries and flapjack bites in the M & S shop - see, £7.50 gone in the blink of an eye. So I headed back to camp and made coffee for everyone and we had the flapjack with it.

Then I procrastinated quite a bit. I'd planned to do some sewing or crafts. I ended up trying again to teach myself to crochet. I did this slightly more complicated granny square - but on and off it took all day! It was hot again today. Jon was very busy on canoes (he had 3 capsizes today - one up on yesterday's 2!)

We are in the countryside area, right next to a small arena where dog, ferret and fly fishing demonstrations take place twice every day. My favourite is Joe and his many gun dogs. He has cocker and springer spaniels, and labrador retrievers. They are impeccably trained and Joe has such a nice way with them. After listening to it twice a day for 2 days, I stood and watched him today. Tomorrow I may watch the ferret man, but none are as good as this chap from the Borders.

One of my photos is Jamie and Dave doing some flint knapping. This has been another popular activity, alongside the canoes. We also had one of our young helpers doing simple fire lighting. In all another tiring and busy day.

We had pizza for dinner, then went for a walk round the show once it was all closed. I was horrified to see the price of some cars on one pitch. I though £69k was a lot, then saw a Mercedes for £195k. That's the price of a house!!! How can it be justified to spend that much on a car. We bought an ice cream - and splashed out on a flake! Lol.

Back to our site to do my blip - my phone is charging from Jon's power bank. Last day tomorrow. I'm going to have to do a LOT of tidying on my side of the tent! A nice evening, the mum and baby coot are out of the reeds again. They are in there all day while the canoes are on the water. He squeaks loudly, but his mum ignores it.

I'm going to read a bit now, before it gets too dark!

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