Hello, Darkness, my old friend.

It's amazing what modern phones can do... this was taken on my venerable iPhone 11, and quite honestly despite the dim downlighters it was so dark in the tunnel I had to let me eyes settle before I could see to shoot. This is the Tidenham Tunnel, part of the Wye Valley Greenway, and it's dark because it's home to thousands of bats!

As the extra shows, it was lovely and sunny outside! In the background across the rape fields and the river herself, the now decommissioned Oldbury on Severn Nuclear Power Station that I spent many a happy hour working at.

So, we'd taken Mollie Camper over the Severn to Chepstow, with the bikes on the back carrier. A first trip away from home for a long time, and she enjoyed the blast* along the motorway. The only sad part is the Wire Bridge at the end of the Greenway, which would have taken us across the Wye to Tintern (and the pub) was still closed for repairs.

* ok, so ~50mph can still be blasty... 

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