Flower Fly Day

Oh, it's good to be home, in the gentle coolness of eighteen degrees! And green! Oh, my. The garden has really gotten into No Mow May, although I'm not quite sure the back lawn will avoid the mower for much longer... The flowers... some have been and gone already, while all the trees are in full leaf and the borders look like they could use some TLC...

I'm slowly, very slowly, reviewing about two thousand images. Back blips will arrive, even more slowly. In the meantime, given the time since last we had a proper "away" holiday, I've begun a short series of blog posts into which I can toss some of the photography (rather than put it on Flickr, which has begun to irk me with its tiresome new rules). 

It's been as busy a day as ever, with me picking up Charlie (last seen only days ago in Lisbon) from the airport so that she can attend a wedding. This image therefore is a grab in the garden, but at least it did pin focus onto the fly (I'm sure some of you will know what its Latin name is; I'm calling him Gerald).

For those of a nervous disposition, it's Friday the thirteenth and we had a black cat cross our path today, on our walk.

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