Bearded Iris V6

Hubby had an early doctor appointment; he was gone before I woke up. My first order of business was to get permission to photograph this last Iris. Our neighbors were quite congenial about it. I changed the bed lines and took care of other household chores until hubby got back. Said the doc was pleased, especially with his cholesterol numbers. We headed to my mother’s. Hubby finished getting the camper ready and I helped around her house, tidying her kitchen, etc. We stopped by the base for meds and a few groceries. I put away groceries, fed and watered the birds, did laundry, cleaned floors, etc when we got home. Hubby cleaned and repaired the camper cover and charged the battery. We had a very late lunch which will be the only other meal we’ll need today. I anticipate a quiet evening. Today is my son and DIL’s wedding anniversary. She gave him tickets to a huge boat show and several friends are joining them for the multi-day event. Thanks for visiting my journal. Hope you have a super weekend planned. Can’t wait to plant all my vegetable plants and flowers. Stay safe. “The most beautiful things in life are the ones that take time, just like an iris that slowly blooms.” -

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