Sweet Williams

Hubby had a Knight’s Color Corps event at Confirmation today. I decided to take advantage of our beautiful weather. Our garden is now planted except for carrot and squash seeds. When hubby got home, he helped me bring all my flower pots out of the basement. Then he went to my daughters. Her Dane pup cut his teeth on their stair trim unfortunately. He is going to cut the wood and replace all the trim. I cleaned the pots and filled them with some of the annuals I purchased yesterday. This patch of Sweet Williams is blooming by the back porch. I was lucky to be able to hobble that far to get a blip. I finished planting with only enough time for a quick shower and getting ready for 5:00 pm Mass. We had nine second graders make their First Communion at this Mass. They were so innocent and adorable. Hubby is taking me out for Mexican; I stood all day and am now paying for it. The rest of the evening will find us in the recliners. Tomorrow I will try to plant my flower gardens. Thanks so much for all your kind comments and stars lately as you visited my journal. I hope you are having a wonderful weekend. Stay safe.
“When I pick up Sweet Williams
And inhale their spiced perfume,
I see them on the windowsill
Of our tiny old back room.
Their sweet indented petals,
Coloured every shade of pink,
Glowed so bright in that urban gloom
They almost made me blink…..” -
Frances King

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