Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Tulips at RHS Wisley

I had arranged to meet a few members of the camera club this morning at RHS Wisley, but as the forecast for today was for 80% rain, last night we decided to postpone meeting there until the weather was better. However, we could not find another date that suited us so late last night we agreed to meet up regardless of the weather.

When I got there it was raining very lightly, so we walked around looking at the beautiful tulips - I cannot remember the tulips being so good there in previous years, there are swathes of them planted everywhere! I also really liked the new sculpture in place (see extra) called Dancing Hares by Sophie Ryder - it is on loan for two years. As it started raining more heavily we retreated to the glass house, and spent over an hour inside there photographing all the exotic flowers and cacti. It was quite busy with visiting school children and everyone seeking shelter from the rain. We finished off by having a coffee in the café, some had cake or lunch, but I went home to eat lunch (as I have gone off the food at that café).

When I got home I decided to do one more photo for Laura's biscuits, which can be seen in the extras :)

I spent the afternoon editing my photos and then in the afternoon it was lovely and sunny so Gavin and I took Xena for another walk (he was working from home today). 

Now it is Friday night and a glass of prosecco calls...I must go make supper and then will enjoy a relaxing evening.

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