Mrs. Grosbeak

She seems awfully round these days. Could she be expecting? :) Zoom in and decide for yourself.

Started out rainy and windy again. But it turned out to be a sunny day, and strangely, 43(F) as a high... about 20-30 degrees lower than normal for this time of year. I'm not complaining though, this kept the mosquitoes and black flies away and it was a pleasure to be out and about this afternoon.

My mom is visiting me for a few days and we had enjoyed a trip into Traverse City for lunch and some light shopping. Then back home for a walk with the dogs and I cooked dinner on the grill. We probably could have fit a bit more into our day if we had gotten up at a decent hour... We stayed up until nearly 3:00 am talking last night... Neither one of us was worth a hoot in the morning. ;)

My apologies for my lack of slow commenting... We can just blame that on Mom... ;)

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