It's all in the cheeks.

It's Memorial Weekend!
For those of you who aren't from around here; Memorial Day is a US federal holiday wherein the men and women who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces are remembered. Most folks get Monday off, creating a three day weekend and it's a great way to kick-off the summer. It's also a time when everyone heads to their lake homes or cabins to enjoy the outdoors and campfires with roasted marshmallows... All wonderful good fun. :)

Though, for me, living in a place (year round) where people come to enjoy such weekends and getting migraines over the smell of a campfire... it's a little hard. I tend to get relegated to the indoors when the masses embark on our peaceful end of the world. Today, I snuck out when the winds shifted and captured a quick shot of this chubby cheeked chippy. Then zipped back inside to nurse my head... I'm really hoping for winds out of the east this weekend! :))

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