
...They're not just for orioles anymore.

I've had rose-breasted grosbeaks along side the orioles at my oranges in the last couple of days, but I haven't been quick enough to catch them in the act. Then I saw the oriole at the suet feeder along with the woodpeckers. And tonight we got a new orange fanatic at the popular paper plate; this yellow-bellied sapsucker went to town on the oranges until a female oriole chased him away. Don't these silly birds know what they are supposed to be eating??

It rained all day and absolutely none of my shots were worth a damn. So I went out at the end of the day light to try again and got this with the ISO cranked, up to heights it should never see... But, regardless this was the best one I got. So, don't look too closely at the quality and just enjoy the goofy bird that forgot what species he was. ;) (Yes, I know, they all eat many different things. I just find it funny how popular these oranges have become... They've never been a success in any previous year, even with the orioles...)

Large is okay (if you don't mind a little noise) you can see the orange all over his beak.

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